V: A Bright New Day

By | November 21, 2009

The third episode of V actually did better in terms of plot pacing – much, much better.

The problem is, a lot of it was a little unrealistic.  For example, the V surveillance room with all the video feeds; she sneaks in without being seen.  This is a restricted area of the V compound; why, exactly, are they letting her roam freely, unsupervised?  Why would a sensitive room like that be empty?

Sure, you might say it’s because it was a coded door.  Surely the Vs have better tech than a four-character PIN?  Surely the Vs are capable of having tech that automagically verifies that the person who enters the PIN is actually authorized to use it?

Entry guarded by a number pad was outdated a long time ago.  We have far better tech than that nowadays; an RFID badge, for example, is far more secure.

Furthermore, she’s on video herself in the room; surely she assumes it’s being recorded somewhere?  Yet she makes no attempt to hide or delete the video of her in the room.

Blah.  Stuff like that.

I’m told that after episode four, they’re delaying the show until March.  I don’t really think it deserves to come back.

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